08 April 2008: a fire started in a vacant apartment next door to our home in the Philippines. It burned down the room I shared with Lynn and Cecile, as well as the servants' quarters and bodega in the back. Watching television coverage online was heartbreaking. I shudder to think what could have happened if my parents and Lynn weren't here visiting. I went back with them to help with the clean-up at least. Thank goodness a lot of family photos were salvaged.
We heard that the fire wouldn't have reached our house if the firemen had gotten there early. They went to the wrong street, probably because they allegedly went to a place of business first. Probably paid off to protect the property, a common practice apparently. Money rules the world. We have the volunteer fire force to thank that the flames didn't reach the rest of the house. Their way was blocked, and fisticuffs even erupted according to some bystanders.
8 homes, 7 families homeless, lives ruined or at least changed. As if life in the Philippines wasn't hard enough. If it was arson, I hope the guilty party is held accountable. Shame on you, you greedy bastard. I hope you get nothing from the insurance company.



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