In the many years I've known you, I've never seen you cry. True, I've heard rumors that you cried during the LOTR films, and "The Constant" episode of Lost. But to actually see you weep was heartbreaking. If there was anything I could do I would have done it.
You'll probably tire of hearing that things you lost were just material things. But they were YOUR things, and you were attached to them for various reasons. Even if you replace them, it wouldn't feel the same.
Bad things do happen to good people. It's just life. To paraphrase Gandalf, all you have to do is to decide what to do at the time it is given to you.
You are a stronger person than you think or say you are. Spending time with you and seeing your childhood photos made me realize how impressed and awed I am by the person you've turned out to be. There is no shame in feeling hurt or weepy or scared. Lesser mortals have broken down for even lesser reasons. Only by going through your current emotions could you get through them. Accept your fears and worries; nothing is illogical. They wouldn't be fears if they were logical.
Get some much needed rest. Sleep with beautiful dreams.
Buy a safe.
Get smoke alarms and fire insurance.
If you get overwhelmed by your job duties, do what I do. I always tell myself, it's just a job. There are many jobs, and only one of ME.
If the Magic Sing microphone could judge people, it would tell you that "You are a excellent person."


  1. Cecilia said...



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