1. crazy drivers. Why do you speed up when you see someone trying to change lanes or cross the street?
  2. U-turn slots!
  3. Tailgaters, lane swervers. Even worse, people flashing their high beams to let you know that they're taking the right of way, whether you like it or not.
  4. Mga hagad.
  5. Salespeople at your back from the moment you enter the store.
  6. Pink everything! What is the MMDA thinking?!
  7. People not saying excuse me or thank you.
  8. People's general subservient tone when you enter a store or restaurant.
  9. The lagay system/cronyism/nepotism and other variants.
  10. Long lunch breaks at government offices. How do they get anything done?
  11. The government and its blatant disregard for the plight of Filipinos.
  12. The divide between rich and poor.
  13. Billboards that are eyesores and distractions to drivers everywhere.
  14. Celebrity endorsements for everything!
  15. Squatters.
  16. The 'bahala na' mentality. Or the 'pwede na yan' way of thinking.
  17. The Filipino male's 'macho' mentality.
  18. Powerful/Corrupt/rich men taking Filipina young things for mistresses. (I know, it takes two to tango. Too bad this is the women's way out of poverty.)
  19. 'Poor me'/victim mentality.
  20. Thinking that everything foreign is superior.



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