1. You start squinting to read some things.
  2. You wake up with aching joints.
  3. You can't squat, get up or pick something up without sound effects.
  4. You're up before the alarm clock rings.
  5. When driving at night, you hog the white line on the side of the road. Just to be sure.
  6. When driving at night, you slow down when an oncoming car approaches. Again, just to be sure.
  7. You think lining up for two hours to get on a roller coaster is a complete waste of time. Two hours of your short life you can never get back and you probably could have done something more productive.
  8. You can convince yourself that sitting around IS productive.
  9. You believe a roller coaster ride could cause your untimely demise.
  10. A grocery trip takes forever because you're reading how much fat/fiber/calories/sodium/cholesterol/trans fat is in all your items.
  11. You wish 'those darn kids' could stop making such a ruckus.
  12. You've stopped giving Rap the benefit of the doubt that it qualifies as music.
  13. You see youngsters jumping around to music and know that THAT is not dancing.
  14. Every newfangled contraption is devilry.
  15. Doctors' phone numbers are on speed dial.
  16. Discovery Channel is waayy cooler than MTV.
  17. You only drive 5-10 miles over the speed limit.
  18. You yell at people asking them where their jackets or umbrellas are on cold or rainy days.
  19. You think everyone else is driving too fast and why don't they get off your tail well they can kiss my *** go ahead and pass I hope to God there's a cop waiting for them a few miles down the roadHAH!!!
  20. You start getting sleepy around 9 PM.
  21. 11:00 PM is late.
  22. You look at high school girls and wonder how their mothers ever let them out of the house wearing THAT.
  23. You complain about those immature 25 year olds.
  24. You plan your activities according to what The Weather Channel says.
  25. You start wondering if you need long term care insurance.
  26. Your idea of a good weekend is vegetating in front of the TV with snacks.
  27. You start saying "Wait till you get to MY age!"
  28. You start saying "I remember when I was your age."
  29. You and your co-workers/relatives compare and contrast health complaints.
  30. You DIAGNOSE each other's illnesses.
  31. You know when to be kind, and when to be fair.
  32. You know that niceness doesn't always cut it. You catch more bees with honey, but sometimes you just really want to scream at people and bop them on the heads.
  33. You know you can't please everybody...and most times, you don't care anymore.
  34. You know how to let people who crave attention, get the attention.
  35. You know how to rise above negativity, and when to wallow in it. And enjoy it.
  36. You've pretty much figured out when to shut up and back off.
  37. You don't just think people are ridiculous...you KNOW they are.
  38. You know you are ENOUGH. (And if people can't see that, then that's their damn problem.)



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