When we were away last week, I got this text message from Jon, asking for measurements so he could make me something. He sews pajamas for his nieces, nephews and kids of our classmates. I texted him some of the measurements yesterday and tonight he IM'd me.

Jon: mayroon na ako tela and embelishment
Me: anong klase tela and embelishment?
Jon: not too girly
Me: good
Jon: brown
Jon: creme
Jon: ang design will be the surprise
Jon: print rather
Jon: print of the tela
Jon: ano kaya ang theme?
Jon: i wanted to get u something for your birthday, so i thought something done might be better
Jon: original kung baga

That short conversation cheered me up, more than the Hershey's chocolate bar did.

Joy comes from unexpected places or persons.



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