I lost $10 today. I walked to the nearby Chinese restaurant to pick up lunch for my co-worker and me. When I got back to the office, my $10 change wasn't in my pocket. I retraced my steps hoping to find it, but it was gone like I expected. Not sure if I dropped it at the Chinese restaurant or on the way back.

Then while we were both eating, a patient told us the pool was overflowing. She had been refilling the pool and forgot all about it. I had done that once but not to the point where the water actually spilled over. The water level was just ridiculously high. This time half the gym area was wet. So we spent the afternoon cleaning up.


  1. Cecilia said...

    When you lose something, you'll get something of equal or greater value in return.  

  2. Lani said...

    I hope so. Whoever got my ten bucks, I hope his or her need was greater than mine.  


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