Ben Linus is right: I'm more Lost than ever. Some favorite moments from last night's episode:
Hurley to Sawyer: Do you wanna watch Xanadu or Satan's doom? Sawyer: Reading! (Hurley puts VHS tape in VCR... cue Olivia Newton-John singing title song!)

Bruce Lee from the freighter.

Kate: Are you taking that to Miles?
Hurley: Yeah.
Kate: Locke told me to do it.
Hurley: Good, that guy creeps me out.
Kate: He's still in the rec room, right?
Hurley: No, he's in the boat house......You just totally Scooby Do-ed me, didn't you?

Sawyer: Yeah, I'm cool, we didn't go all the way last night. I get it, you were sad. But, I mean, how can you resist after that whole, "I'll keep you safe thing".

(Locke asks Sawyer what the rest of the group is saying) Sawyer: "I think they're saying, 'baa.'"



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