I woke up late this morning and didn't have time to eat breakfast at home. I went to my local Dunkin' Donuts and inside was this huge security guy directing people towards the queue. He told me to keep my hands out of my pocket. I noticed two other men in black complete with dark sunglasses. There's a white stretch limo outside with a Hillary for President sign. A woman with sunglasses, long curly hair, wearing a white coat and black heels was shaking hands with everyone, handing out a pamphlet. (One woman did not look amused and refused it.) Miss Thang asked me what my name was and introduced herself as Chelsea. She told me to vote tomorrow and gave me a Hillary Clinton pamphlet. One of the "Secret Service" guys talked into his walkie-talkie and told the woman that they have to go. They took pictures with the staff then headed out. After they left, the guy behind me said they were from a local radio station, pretending to be Chelsea Clinton. The MIB were the DJs.

I didn't think she looked like Chelsea at all. For one thing, Ms. Clinton has become quite the fashionista, and has a different hairstyle now. I thought maybe she was the daughter of one of the delegates. I guess I missed the joke.

I got to work and heard that they actually went to Barack Obama's office and handed out Clinton pamphlets there also.

Least they could have done was pay for everyone's order.



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