Wanna hear something funny? My patient told me tonight that I looked like and reminded her of Carrie Ann Inaba, of Dancing with the Stars fame. I think she meant it as a compliment, because she said Carrie Ann was a perfectionist, no-nonsense and very direct. I've never watched the show, but I look nothing like her. To promote Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann on Good Morning America, they interviewed each other. All they did was laugh out loud at each other's unfunny comments. Check it out here.

I hope I'm nowhere near as annoying as she was in that interview. Maybe my patient was trying to tell me something?! Honestly, I think it's just the typical American view that all Asians look alike. I had another patient point to an Asian girl in a magazine and say I looked like the model. The girl had long black straight hair, fair skin and Oriental eyes.


  1. Lynn said...

    I wonder how they'd feel if we told them they looked like this or that person who looks completely different. They'd probably protest vehemently.  


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