The surprises on Lost just keep coming. What a reveal! Episode 3 rocked! You don't wanna get on badass Sayid's bad side. I thought he was going to be written off, too. I love how he's a sensitive torturer and killer. Favorite lines from the ep:

  • Oh awesome, the ship sent us another Sawyer.
  • So does that mean I should wait 20 minutes and go anyway?
  •, he was a torturer.
  • Sawyer to Ben: Ready to give us a name, Gizmo? (Gizmo from the Gremlins movie, who was a Mogwai. It supposedly means evil spirit in Chinese)
  • The last time you encountered him, you put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. That's not good diplomacy.
  • And my favorite exchange--Danielle: I'm sorry, Sayid. Nothing personal.
    Sayid: Where's Locke?
    Hurley: He's talking to that angry Chinese guy.
    Sayid: I'm not going to hurt you, Hurley.
    Hurley: Yeah... I saw you snap that guy's neck with that breakdancing thing you do with your legs. I think I'll hang back here.



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