Our boss is really pissing people off, myself included. He's sending off one of my co-workers to work at our other clinic full time. She isn't getting a raise nor mileage reimbursement for her longer commute. He's going to be working with US now and got rid of another per diem employee who's been with the company for at least 5 years. To top it off, one of our administrative assistants quit. Friday's her last day. Our boss is replacing her with the other secretary (we shall call her B) from the other facility. Now the other, more senior administrative person (henceforth known as J) in our building wanted more hours. Instead, he wants J, who's been with the company ten years, to work around the schedule of the more recently-hired B. He's even giving B overtime pay for Saturdays. Pretty soon, he'll have a mutiny on his hands.



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