This is Zack, my canine nephew, temporary roommate and my sister Cecile's dog. I found him lounging on my meditation pillow yesterday after I got out of the shower. (His mom and dad are still in California for her father-in-law's surgery.) So apparently, Zack does his yoga (he always does his downward and upward-facing-dog postures) AND meditates. No wonder he's so even-tempered. People can learn a lot from dogs. Zack lives in the Now, says everything with his tail, never misses an opportunity to take a nap or obtain a belly rub, enjoys every meal, appreciates every walk or drive or new toy or the feel of the wind in his face, holds no grudges and loves unconditionally. In my next life, I wouldn't mind being a dog. But I'm probably not evolved enough to become one.

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  1. Cecilia said...

    *misses the dog*
    I'm glad he's finding time to meditate while we're away.  


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