This is the way my mind works: I did my laundry yesterday but forgot that I had a sweater that sheds in that particular load. This covered a black button-down shirt in lint. While I was ironing my clothes last night, I thought of re-washing said black shirt. But I changed my mind and decided to get my lint brush instead. Unfortunately, I had to search for the brush. I opened an overhead kitchen cabinet and a box comes hurtling towards me, hitting me on my already non-Western nose. So now I'm bleeding from a cut on the (non-existent) bridge of my nose. I apply an ice pack, bleed, start getting this massive headache, bleed some more and start worrying about a head injury. Should I sleep and would I wake up if I did? Can I bleed from a blood vessel in my face into my brain? Am I getting nauseous? Why didn't I just re-wash the shirt? Should I call my sister to let her know what happened in case I hemorrhage into my brain? As if that wasn't enough, I almost fell off the stepstool when I stepped down. To top it all off, the lint brush wasn't even in that cabinet. I did find it later, in a cabinet that I had opened but didn't look hard enough. What was the offending object? It was something I got in the mail after I neglected to send back the reply card to a book club. The box was Sharon Salzberg's "Unplug" interactive kit that contained contemplation cards, a guidebook and 2 CDs of guided meditations. It's supposed to help you take a break from the pressures of daily life, create a sanctuary at home. Who says the universe doesn't have a sense of humor?



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