I have not been in the best of moods the past couple of weeks. But I guess it is in times like these that it is even more important to pause, look back and reflect on things we have and don't have. Thank You, after all, is the most powerful prayer in the world.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Enjoy good health, good food and happy times with family and friends.
I have a personal score to settle with cancer. It's taking away so many loved ones from their families.
My deepest condolences to my brother-in-law and his grieving family. I pray for Papa Eugenio's eternal repose. Although you will be missed, it's good to know that you are in a place where there's no pain. Only love and peace.
Even the Google doodle is helping celebrate Sesame Street's 40th birthday. The actual anniversary is the 10th of November, with the new season's first episode featuring First Lady Michelle Obama talking about healthy eating.
I wish they'd let Cookie Monster keep his favorite snack though. What's the point of being a Cookie Monster if you can't eat cookies?
I want to remember this story forever. I only heard this story today on The View but apparently, it happened back in 2006. Snopes confirmed it as true. Abbey, the 14 year old family dog of Greg and Joy Scrivener passed away. To help their 4 year old daughter Meredith deal with the loss, her mother encouraged her to write a letter to God:
“Dear God. Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in Heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog although she got sick.
I hope you will play with her. She liked to play with balls and she likes to swim. I am sending you a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.
Love, Meredith.”
We put the letter into an envelope and addressed it to God in Heaven. We put our return address on it and a lot of stamps because she thought it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to Heaven. That afternoon Meredith dropped the letter into the mailbox. A few days later she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.
Yesterday there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch, addressed “to Meredith” in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers “When a Pet Dies”. Taped to the inside front cover was the picture of Abbey and Meredith with this note:
Dear Meredith. Abbey arrived safely in Heaven. Having her picture was a big help. I recognized her right away.
Abbey is not sick any more. Her spirit is here with me, just like she stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don’t need our bodies in Heaven, I don’t have any pockets to keep your picture in, so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and to have something to remember Abbey by.
Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you.
I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.
By the way, I am easy to find. I am wherever there is love.
My friend's sister passed away on All Souls' Day after battling brain cancer for a year. Her family just finished praying the Divine Mercy chaplet when she flatlined. Rest in peace now, Tina.
And He will raise you up on eagle's wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of His Hand.
I was elated that Halloween finally fell on a weekend because I've always wanted to see the much ballyhooed Parade down in the Village. It had started to rain and I wasn't feeling well so I didn't go anymore. It was still fun to see people dressed up at the train and subway stations, and the city streets. The hard part was trying to discreetly take photos of them. I wasn't sure if they'd get upset if I did. Of course, I'm sure they might have wanted some attention in the first place if they're going to be walking around New York City like that. There's always next year.